File Transfer Options!!

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File Transfer Options!!

Post by phormz »

Hey all

My WiFi Network keeps dropping connection for some reason. As a result, I REALLY need some way of transferring the separate audio tracks via iTunes file transfer and not the WiFi sync.

At the moment I'm having to mute every track except one, mixdown to the shared folder and repeat for every single track. I've got 20 tracks of about 7 min in my current project and it's literally taking all night!! :evil:

If there's something I've missed, can someone please enlighten me ...otherwise, PLEASE PLEASE implement more options for iTunes file transfer. Thanks

P.S ...Also noticed that soloing tracks on mixdown doesn't remove the un-soloed tracks from the resulting file meaning all tracks need to be muted and un-muted which takes much longer.

Cheers guys
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Re: File Transfer Options!!

Post by offthesky »

i agree with more robust transfer options - currently (and even while wifi works for me), it's super slow to download all 24 tracks one after another (im a nerd who makes long tracks - 16mins sometimes)... is there any way we could get a "batch download all separate tracks feature"? i know it'd probably have to render them one by one but still it would be nice to just hit one button, walk away for an hour and come back to all 24 16 minute tracks rendered out into a folder :]
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Re: File Transfer Options!!

Post by offthesky »

update: i just found a solution for quickly batch downloading all separate tracks so you can easily load them into logic or cubase for final mixing... using a free firefox plugin called "download them all" -

once that's installed, open up the ftp page for multitrack(type the ftp address mtDAW gives you into the address bar of firefox - i.e. you can't use this dlthemall! in a ftp program), open up the song you want to get all the individual tracks for, and click/drag down to select/highlight all the individual download links(it will probably also highlight the file size listings for each too)...

once the "download" links all are all highlighted, right click on them and there should be a "downloadthemall! selection" in the context menu... choose that, then in the window that pops up, make sure to check the green marks next to all the links.

note: if you highlighted everything right, you should only see links for all the tracks you selected/hightlighted.

tip: go to download them all preferences (tools/downloadthemall! tools/preferences) and choose concurrent downloads to be 1. this may help prevent multitrack from crashing while rendering/download the tracks (i have this problem when trying to render/download several tracks at once)...

hope this helps somebody!
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Re: File Transfer Options!!

Post by pwnified »

Good find! Yes, multitrack will have problems currently when downloading more than 1 at a time, so your suggestion for changing the simultaneous downloads to 1 is spot on.