New Features

New Features and requests for new features
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New Features

Post by juicymichole »

First of all - Congratulations on this excellent app! I only found it through an unrelated google search and I am blown away by the quality. I had been using Fourtrack some, but yours is the first multitracker I've taken seriously. 

Just to get my "new features vote" out there, I'd really like to see:

- audio copy/ paste. I've read your posts here and on Twitter regarding this.  I appreciate your conservative approach, but this would be great and would enable the "next level" of this app. 

- record stereo input to two tracks. Right now, you can record stereo to a single track. Two mono tracks would save me the effort of splitting them later when needed. Optionally, splitting tracks in app would be okay too

- adjustable metronome volume. I always record to a click. If there was audio copy/paste I could easily import a track from another app and use it as a click ( i prefer tracking to a basic beat over a click). However as it stands, it's hard to get just the right balance of click/tracks.  

- tap tempo. Right now I just use a different app. Would be icing on the cake. 

- some sort of markers for navigation. Don't really need these but they could be helpful, especially when overdubbing/punching. even just one marker that you could return the playhead to with a tap would work. 

- in app cut/copy/paste and non-destructive editing. Would be great to have for obvious reasons. On the other hand, it's sort of fun NOT having it as well and relying on your ear and heart to make committed decisions. 

Again, unbelievably good app. I applaud your effort thus far and find it to be completely usable as is. 

I assume it is a hardware/platform limitation to record 24 bit. Is this even theoretically possible on iPhone?
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Re: New Features

Post by juicymichole »

Another great feature I came across last night would be the ability to rotate the screen 180 degrees. As it is, if you are working with the phone on it's edge, it sets on the volume rocker making it a litle less stable and prone to turn volume up/down from the weight of headphones/input. 

Also, regarding my marker comment above I meant to say the most useful would be a single marker (similar to the playhead/punch) and a button In the transport for "return to marker"
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Re: New Features

Post by pwnified »

juicymichole wrote:First of all - Congratulations on this excellent app! I only found it through an unrelated google search and I am blown away by the quality. I had been using Fourtrack some, but yours is the first multitracker I've taken seriously. 
- audio copy/ paste. I've read your posts here and on Twitter regarding this.  I appreciate your conservative approach, but this would be great and would enable the "next level" of this app. 
MultiTrack is going to support intua style copy/paste
- record stereo input to two tracks.
Funny, this is how it was when I first added stereo recording, but it ended up being too confusing with the multiple armed tracks and I couldn't find a good UI for selecting left/right. Probably a lack of imagination on my part :)
- adjustable metronome volume.
That'll be in the 2.0 release
- tap tempo.
And that as well
- some sort of markers for navigation.
How about a selection range which can be selected in the ruler bar, a single touch to rewind would take you to the start of this range, another touch to rewind would goto beginning of song?
- in app cut/copy/paste and non-destructive editing. Would be great to have for obvious reasons. On the other hand, it's sort of fun NOT having it as well and relying on your ear and heart to make committed decisions. 
There are definitely 2 schools of thought on this. With editing, it's can be so easy to screw the timing of a 'traditional' song by editing. But you can also create entirely new songs out of bits and samples and loops. MultiTrack 2.0 will definitely have non-destructive editing and copy/paste, moving, trimming, and maybe splitting (using the selection range technique). It'll have the best of both worlds.
Again, unbelievably good app. I applaud your effort thus far and find it to be completely usable as is. 
Thanks for the compliments!
I assume it is a hardware/platform limitation to record 24 bit. Is this even theoretically possible on iPhone?
Yes, the iPhone is limited to 16 bits in hardware. As an aside, I don't even think 22 bit is theoretically possible (in extremely low-noise controlled laboratory testing) because the ADC spends its time chewing on its own noise, so essentially the lsb's come out all random on those so-called 24 bit ADC's.
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Re: New Features

Post by jorgren »

I'm eager to buy when V2 comes out. I absolutely need inter-app copy/paste (even the Intua style would be better than nothing). I absolutely have to have move, split, and intra-app copy/paste too.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: New Features

Post by africola »

some sort of markers for navigation. Don't really need these but they could be helpful, especially when overdubbing/punching. even just one marker that you could return the playhead to with a tap would work.
i agree this would be very useful, especially when jumping back to a specific location in the middle of the song to do multiple takes on separate tracks. fire field recorder (and the free version blue fire) has imho an elegant solution for this - tapping on the play back head drops a marker -- tapping to the left of playback head goes to prev marker, tapping to the right of playback head goes to next marker.

in a similar vein, the one usability issue i've run into is trying to find the playback marker in multi track. i sometimes end up in a position where the playback marker is off the current screen and i have to go hunting for it to drag it back to the current screen. i'm absent minded, so i sometimes have to drag around a bit in order to find it. a marker-like solution with tap to jump to a certain location would solve for that use case, too, unless you hadn't dropped any markers. another way to handle would be allowing user to click on the rules to move the playback head to that position, similar to the way beatmaker does.

i too was an occasional four track user, but have become a die hard multi track fan due to the rock solid stability, the number of tracks supported, and the visual navigation aspect of mt. fantastic app, well worth the $15! very much looking forward to the April-ish update with intua-style copy/paste.
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Re: New Features

Post by ayampols »

juicymichole wrote:some sort of markers for navigation. Don't really need these but they could be helpful, especially when overdubbing/punching. even just one marker that you could return the playhead to with a tap would work.
+1 for this. I would love to see some way to demarcate different sections of songs. I don't even need the navigation feature (though it would be swell), just a way to see where the different parts of the song are.