MultiTrack DAW 4.0

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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by pwnified »

Thanks everyone for the kind words! This is what makes it all worth it :D
Nu2moro wrote:Noticed that when looping the display doesn't go back to the loop start point, only displays the last visible section on the screen.
That was actually by design, in order to keep from jarring around in the case of short loops. However a case could be made, to always follow when a loop is longer than a certain length and/or zoom level is out far enough. Thanks for bringing this up.

anfirmor wrote:Still having pan issues when using IAA effects.
Seriously? Dang. I looked into the Panning bug and thought I had a handle on it. I'll try again and let you know.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by anfirmor »

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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by Anorton »

Thanks, pwnified. Still love MultiTrack DAW.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by anfirmor »

Me too. Still the app for getting things down.

The 1.4ms buffer setting is just witchcraft.

I'll try a few more IAA effects on pre recorded mono tracks shortly. It's no good just bitching without trying to supply info. My bad.

Here's what I found of the two IAA apps I looked at so far.

mic room.
Full left is full volume. Full right is off. No pan. Freeze track gives silence.

fiddlycator convolution app
Full left is full volume. Full right is off. No pan. Freeze track gives audio and suddenly it pans?

Jam Up Pro, Bias, Bais Effects
Full left is full volume. Full right is off. No pan. Freeze track gives audio and suddenly it pans?

Final Touch
Pan left/right no effect except for change in effect itself. Freeze track pans.

Audio Mastering
Seems to work, though clumsy.

Maybe it's harsh to grumble at MTD as its possible that the IAA apps are not implementing IAA correctly. An answer would great though.
Last edited by anfirmor on October 19th, 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by dcollins710 »

pwnified wrote:
dcollins710 wrote:When I try and restore purchases or export, nothing happens.
It seems to be working here. The Restore Purchases might require a stable network, maybe a reboot. Does the export -> mixdown work or is it soundcloud or email export? What type of device?
I just tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, and now I'm having issues with Family Sharing. I'll get back to you on whether or not I'm still having issues.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by Telefunky »

great job, congrats :)
seems to work a bit smoother than before, tried with 2nd lowest latency and JamUp - no problems
'undo' is a smart solution for the punch/loop stuff in case it runs into the 'good take', perfect

regarding anfirmor's observations:
a stereo track (Record Audio #) from JamUp (via IAA) comes out mono if transferred to a PC
as I use to edit raw takes externally, 'recorded audio' saves some track processing time
the test recording was strangely dull, inverting one channel resulted in silence
since Positive Grid occasionally had phase issues in the past, it may not be related to Multitrack DAW

it's obvious, but yet easy to overlook:
I had a guitar track in JamUp (IAA) and later added an effect (Holderness Johnny)
in this case the exported 'Track#' got the FX applied to the beginning as well
(some considering of the fx chain applies, stupid me spoiled it by placing the tremolo at the end...)

cheers and thanks a million, Tom
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by pwnified »

anfirmor wrote:Maybe it's harsh to grumble at MTD as its possible that the IAA apps or not implementing IAA correctly. An answer would great though.
Looking more closely at this; it seems to be 'mono input' apps, wrappered by the hack that is called "Inter-App Audio" :lol:

If there was a way the host could detect how many channels an app really supports, this wouldn't be an issue.

For example, in JamUp settings, try switching the 'Input Channel' to 'Mix Left and Right', then panning will work within multitrack.

I'm not sure what to do about this. Apps really should support at least 2 input channels at this point, seeing as Audiobus even requires it. Or at least have a way to detect whether they only support one input channel, or allow the user to switch, as JamUp properly does.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by anfirmor »

Just tried the Jam Up input source selection in settings. When left input is selected then MTD pan is silent right. Other way around for right input selected. For Mix L&R input we get audio from left and right but it don't pan.

Sorry but my old brain is stuck in analogue mode here and I can't even begin to imagine what a complete nightmare it must be to deal with this pwnified. Not a simple as tape/desks/inserts &a send and returns.

Will Apple's Audio Units improve things?

Thanks for your efforts on this. Outstanding as usual.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by pwnified »

dcollins710 wrote:
pwnified wrote:
dcollins710 wrote:When I try and restore purchases or export, nothing happens.
It seems to be working here. The Restore Purchases might require a stable network, maybe a reboot. Does the export -> mixdown work or is it soundcloud or email export? What type of device?
I just tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, and now I'm having issues with Family Sharing. I'll get back to you on whether or not I'm still having issues.
I see what your saying now. These menus are mostly unresponsive on the newest devices, also the song menu can't exit the edit mode (icons shaking mode). It's possible to get them to respond, by tapping very, very lightly and quickly. But I've fixed the issue and have submitted a new version (4.1). I've also used my one-time 'rush' approval process to get the update through. It's currently in review and should be ready sometime today.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 4.0

Post by pwnified »

anfirmor wrote:Just tried the Jam Up input source selection in settings. For Mix L&R input we get audio from left and right but it don't pan.
In JamUp it seems to be working (panning) as long as Mix Left and Right is selected.
anfirmor wrote:Will Apple's Audio Units improve things?
Yes, I think so. It's actually a proper plugin system. The only thing is that you have to decide, whether you want the plugins to run in the hosts address space or not, thereby possibly destabilizing the host if the maker of the plugin writes bad or crashy code, or the alternative is to slow the system down by increasing the communication overheads. In other words, the host is dependent on the plugin writers to write high quality code, sort of the same way it currently works on macs/pc's. Usually the host runs some kind of validation on the plugs and doesn't try to load the ones that fail.

But it's probably better and definitely much faster than the wrappered app IAA thing, where the entire app is launched into the background, and then the user is required to switch between apps. Switching between apps is a thing of the past. :D