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Nothing is mono, only stereo

Posted: June 2nd, 7:42 pm
by jlovette
Hello, I'm having issues with every track being stereo. i load my drum loop I created with EZdrummer 2, pulls in as stereo. I want to record my bass track in mono, not happening. I use an irigHD and a sonic Port vx. I use inter app audio but nothing mono. I'm new to the iOS recording thing so what am I not getting? Then even after I great a new song without a stereo track put in first everything is stereo using inter app audio through irigHD/sonic Port vx through amplitube, jam up pro and mobile pod. All combinations are stereo (2 lines with waveforms on each track.). Doesn't matter the combo. It's always stereo. Thanks for your time.

Add a mono track

Posted: June 3rd, 10:08 am
by jlovette
Any sound through inter app audio and amplitube/mobile pod/ jam up pro, are all stereo. Even when I make the first track mono with a using the mono input. That's fine to when I record with a mic but when I want to use ally electric and bass sounds throu IAA it's not what I want. What can I do to have my IAA record in mono?

Re: Add a mono track

Posted: June 11th, 3:04 pm
by pwnified
Unfortunately IAA is stereo, as it is really a hack to 'wrap' an audio app and allow it to be plugged into a host (another app). It's possible to try and combine the 2 channels into a single mono track, you can do this by copying the stereo region and pasting onto a mono track.

It's true that it's a bit wasteful to record stereo when the signal is really 2 tracks of identical mono. But other than a waste of bandwidth/filespace, it shouldn't affect the results. i.e, panning a stereo track (of 2 identical mono signals) will have the same effect as panning a mono track.