Firstly, make sure that networking is properly configured. In Settings, tap Wi-Fi and turn it on if it is not already. Make sure your wireless router is chosen.
Tap the home button to exit the settings, and start up MultiTrack. From the main song menu, tap the Wifi button and an IP address should be displayed. If an error message is displayed, you must go back and correct your network settings, MultiTrack requires a working Wifi connection.
Now, on a computer which is connected to the same network, type the displayed IP address into a web browser. You should get to the song menu in your web browser:
Clicking on any of the song icons on this page will bring you to a track listing.
Downloading Final Mixes, Tracks, Bins
There are download options available using the dropdown menus, select the type of compression and bitrate. Then use the "Download" link. After clicking the download link, a file browser will appear to allow you to select a place to save the file.
Uploading Bins
In the "Upload Audio Bin" section click the "Choose File" or "Browse" button (depending on web browser) and select an audio file you would like to upload. It can be stereo or mono, mp3, wav, aif, or m4a. DRM protected files are not supported.
Now click the "Submit" button, and wait for the progress bar. It could take a while depending on network speed so please be patient.
Go back to MultiTrack and load the song you just uploaded tracks to, by tapping the icon for it. Use the Hotbox (Touch-Hold over a track) to open the Bin Browser, select a bin and use the "Region Copy" button to copy the Bin to the pasteboard. Now close the Bin Browser and use the Hotbox to paste the region onto a track.
For more information on using the Hotbox or Bin Browser, please see the in-app help.
How to use Wi-Fi to upload and download tracks
- Posts: 1582
- Joined: August 17th, 9:41 pm
How to use Wi-Fi to upload and download tracks
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Last bumped by pwnified on June 27th, 1:18 pm.