Ver. 3.4.2 doesn't fix IAA on iPad

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Re: Ver. 3.4.2 doesn't fix IAA on iPad

Post by pwnified »

Yes, instruments do produce audio streams that can be recorded. The difference is that instruments can also listen to midi input, for example being sent by a daw. If the instrument has a way of generating that input by itself, for example, if it has a keyboard or other input method, there is no reason that it couldn't be supported by MultiTrack as an instrument. I'm not sure why a synth app wouldn't support generators if they support instruments, but, I'm going to add support for Instruments anyway. Hopefully tonight I'll submit to Apple with a couple other minor bug fixes. Thanks for asking, you made me rethink this!
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Re: Ver. 3.4.2 doesn't fix IAA on iPad

Post by pwnified »

Ok, Instrument support is added in 3.4.4!