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Mono stem?

Posted: January 20th, 12:01 am
by mikematzdorff
Hi, I am looking for a way to export non-normalized tracks - using the export stems, seems to work for that, but it only seems to export stereo… Am I doing something wrong? Help! I’m doing an audiobook and need a mono track. thanks!

Re: Mono stem?

Posted: January 21st, 8:00 pm
by pwnified
There are a few things that will force a track to be stereo on export. Any stereo regions on a track will force it to be stereo. Also any panning, unless the pan control is dead center (tap the top triangle button on the panning control to perfectly center the control). AUv3 effects on the track will also cause the track to convert to stereo.

Unfortunately there isn't a way currently to disable normalization on export. The thinking was that, since the track is rendered afresh to combine all the regions, we may as well fix the volume at the same time, as any accuracy lost in the volume transform is dwarfed by the overall accuracy of the ADC itself. Most of those lower bits are random, it's overkill in terms of accuracy. However, I see now that this might be a bit overzealous and the raw recordings could be useful for other process down the line. I'll add a feature request for this for the upcoming version.

Re: Mono stem?

Posted: January 27th, 7:14 pm
by mikematzdorff
Thanks. I think - if we’re talking feature adds… I am about to edit 10 hours down into 4 - audiobook. I come from a film editing background. I have exported renders from the 3 projects it took to get it all recorded. It would be VERY handy to either have access to each record section, or have an option to export each record start/stop on it’s own, in bulk… for example, I recorded 15 chapters in one DAW project - exporting them individually, in bulk, would mean each chapter, would be on it’s own and ready to edit. I will be editing in DaVinci Resolve with transcribed audio.

Maybe I’m not thinking about this right, I’m open to input. Thoughts?

Re: Mono stem?

Posted: January 28th, 12:03 pm
by pwnified
If each chapter has it's own track in a project, you could just do a Stems export with Normalize turned off. It sounds like that's what you're already doing. For access to the individual 'bins' or separate recordings, they are listed in the songs database (Long-touch a track and select 'Audio', 'Song' tab). If you have a lot, exporting individually from here would be a nightmare though.

A faster way could be to use the Wi-Fi feature. Close the current project and tap the Wi-Fi button in the lower toolbar, and type this ipaddress into a browser on the same wifi network. This will list all the tracks for rendering as usual but also the Audio bins of the project, if you download them as wav format with the same samplerate as the project, they will be bit-for-bit copied to a file with zero processing. I seem to recall a Firefox plugin "DownThemAll" that can automate this download process. Hope this helps

Re: Mono stem?

Posted: February 2nd, 12:14 pm
by mikematzdorff
Ok - update here. The WiFi worked, I tried a couple plug ins to download all at once, they didn’t feel like it, but that’s ok.

Just some feedback on that process:
1: built-in ability to select raw files for download would be helpful. Not sure if I change names of recorded sections they would be the file names, but that’s a good idea.
2: it would be wonderful if the WiFi feature worked on the same device… I am 99% iPad only and needed my desktop to download the files. If the browser on IPad could, yay. Or…
3: A trick to simply expose raw files on iPad would be nice, so I could copy to FILES

Thanks for the help.

Re: Mono stem?

Posted: February 13th, 4:57 pm
by pwnified
Hmm, yeah, thanks for the feedback. The filenames actually encode the audio clip name, but it's not useful unless you can decode them. There is actually a python script to do this on a raw multitrack project file (folder), but it's unmaintained and would require fiddling:

With some doing, we could write a script to convert the wav filenames contained in the project folder back into readable names and copy them out. I do have big plans for these utilities coming up.

For 2, you can actually use the same iPad to download the files from multitrack on the same device, you must use the splitscreen iPad feature so that multitrack is always open while accessing it through the wifi. Put the browser on one half of the screen and multitrack on the other and it works(!)