Audiobus question

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Audiobus question

Post by dermichl »

just bought MultitrackDAW - nice gui sleak amd speedy. However i do have an issue with Audiobus: any chance to get remote start/stop? i want MultitrackDAW to be in the output slot in order to record from microphone input and play some other apps (in input slots) in sync with MultitrackDAW. other daws do hand tempo and start/stop info via Audiobus to these input apps but MultitrackDAW sadly does not. any chance to get this going?
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Re: Audiobus question

Post by pwnified »

Welcome dermichi. Well, the transport controls should be available, play/pause, record, and rewind. Tempo sync isn't part of audiobus, unless your talking about the new ableton Link, which I'm currently looking into.
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Re: Audiobus question

Post by dermichl »

no, there's no start/stop working and no tempo information is handed over either. Audiobus latest on iPad mini Retina 8.1.3 that is. the same technique is working with LoopyHD in output slot instead of MTD and Gadget (latest) in the input slot in either configuration.
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Re: Audiobus question

Post by pwnified »

The transport controls are working, however they are not synced to other apps and tempo and bar/beat information is not synced unless you use Inter-App Audio. Ableton Link is a new feature of Audiobus and was JUST opened to other developers, I got the sdk a couple of days ago and looking into it. I'm not sure yet, as tempo adjustment would require time stretching which multitrack doesn't have.
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Re: Audiobus question

Post by dermichl »

sorry to say but Gadget via IAA is not working either - neither start/stop nor tempo sync. however when i try with Beatmaker2 and Gadget via IAA everything is working as expected. so i suppose Gadget is dealing fine with all needed IAA informations, doesn't it.
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Re: Audiobus question

Post by pwnified »

Hmm, interesting. It looks like Gadget might be using midi start/stop or something else. MultiTrack doesn't support midi so that might be it. I've just confirmed that MultiTrack is working with IAA sync, using FunkBox as a test. With FunkBox latency set to 'beatmaker', multitrack is perfectly synced, and FunkBox starts and stops whenever multitrack starts and stops automatically, while the funkbox track is armed. For whatever reason, Gadget is not listening to IAA sync, and choose to do it some other way. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll look into this some more.