New Features for Next Release?

New Features and requests for new features
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New Features for Next Release?

Post by beyond »

Hi Pwnified, just wondering if you had any key features on a list that you could list for the next release, and when that release might generally be occurring? Are you taking suggestions for additional features for an upcoming release, or is the list already set?

Will we hopefully see some of the reverb/delay/EQ/compression type features that have been mentioned over the last couple of weeks? :)

Thanks for any info, love your app! I purchased a Blue Yeti and am loving the results I'm getting with it and my iPad.
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Re: New Features for Next Release?

Post by pwnified »

Thanks for the compliments! Yes the Blue Yeti is a great mic.

I'm pushing for a per track parametric EQ and being able to fade in and fade out regions. Unfortunately it might turn out that the older devices can't support the required processing for the EQ, so maybe only the 3GS and iPod 3rd gen or later can install this feature. As the first effect to be added to MT, I'm spending the extra time to make it high quality.

BTW there is an update (2.0.4) waiting for review, it fixes some bugs and adds iTunes file sharing, multitasking with fast app switching, and iPod library access (on supported devices)
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Re: New Features for Next Release?

Post by fgrittner »

2.04 just installed on my iPhone. Thanks!

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Re: New Features for Next Release?

Post by tritone »

Can you please elaborate on "iPod library access (on supported devices)"? What can you do with the songs already in your iPod Library? Can you bring a song into a track and record on other tracks in sync with the iPod song? What are "supported devices"? Thanks!
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Re: New Features for Next Release?

Post by pwnified »

It will give you a list of all the songs in the iPod library, which you can copy to the pasteboard, and then paste onto a track, just like any other audio clip in MultiTrack. So it's a copy, and it needs to be "exported" from the iPod library. See the online help in multiTrack for more information, I'll try to work up a better doc on how to use the feature.

"Supported devices". It seems to work on devices that support multitasking and have iOS4 installed, so an iPhone 3GS, iPod 3rd gen, and iPhone 4 shouldn't have a problem.