Curser not moving on iphone

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Joined: November 12th, 6:18 am

Curser not moving on iphone

Post by Miker »

Trying to use Multitrack on an iPhone. When the play button is pushed, neither the curser nor the counter change. The curser doesn’t move. The counter is unchanged. I’m stumped. Using an iPhone 15 and new download of MultiTrack. Any ideas on the cause would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Curser not moving on iphone

Post by pwnified »

Hi Miker,
That sounds like the CoreAudio subsystem couldn't create the needed AudioUnit for output. Try a reboot of the phone, and run multitrack first. If that works, it's probably another audio app or other system malfunction that caused the issue. If not, let me know more details about the iOS version. Hope this helps.
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Joined: November 12th, 6:18 am

Re: Curser not moving on iphone

Post by Miker »

It appears to be a conflict with another app accessing the microphone. As you suggested, we rebooted the iPhone and made sure that Multitrack was the only app running. Working fine now. Thanks again!