User Manual for Multitrack DAW?

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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User Manual for Multitrack DAW?

Post by Scott549 »

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I just bought Multitrack DAW for my 4th generation iPod Touch and I'm looking forward to experimenting with it. A few questions --

1. Is there a user manual?
2. Is there yet a microphone that is compatible with the new iPod Touch, or am I limited for now to the built in microphone?
3. Is there a way to import tracks from other programs/apps, such as Music Studio, Audacity, etc.?

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Re: User Manual for Multitrack DAW?

Post by pwnified »

Here's the link for the in app help: ... line4.html
Apologies for there not being a real user manual PDF that can be printed out yet, it's been pretty crazy around here.

Microphone choices are limited on the newer iPhone 4 and iPod 4, however you can use the built in mic, headset mics, and headset adapters like the peavey ampkit link and the irig, to record in mono.

In general you can use iTunes File Sharing, wi-Fi network with a browser, and iPod Library Access to import audio into multitrack. To get audio from other apps, there is copy/paste.
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Re: User Manual for Multitrack DAW?

Post by Teekan »

Can you provide a PDF for this manual please? I see someone requested this 3 years ago and there still isn't one. PDF of the manual makes it much easier to read and switch back to multitrack and try stuff out. Thanks for a great DAW, keep up the great work!
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Re: User Manual for Multitrack DAW?

Post by fgrittner »

I am on an iMac. I "printed" the HTML file to PDF. It took three seconds to generate a 15-page manual. I can print it out if need be or use it on my iMac.