Yeah, pretty much what Touchy said.
Definitely a PLEASE PLEASE about the larger "hit area" for the Repeat Section markers, & a triple PLEASE about making them not so twitchy! I literally spend minutes trying to get a proper loop because they won't sit still when I release my finger & keep resetting when I adjust ( see ), & this can seriously interrupt workflow.
This may be a slightly different subject, but I wish there was a way to easily loop a track other than Copy/Paste. So I could record a rhythm guitar, then just drag on the end of it to loop it for however long I drag*. It's not necessarily looping the entire song, nor is it looping a section of the song, but rather looping a track - which means it could be used in tandem with - & not in lieu of - the Repeat Section markers. Is it there & I'm missing it?
*There was a Band in the Garage that does something like that
I absolutely LOVE this App, it's more than an App, it's an Application! But these seemingly minor details can really hinder workflow & creativity.