Downloading tracks to computer

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Re: Downloading tracks to computer

Post by pwnified »

Sometimes an app gets improperly installed for some reason. There have been a handful of customers that needed to reinstall, and after that it all worked perfectly. Here's some instructions for reinstalling:

first sync your iPhone so that MultiTrack gets transferred into iTunes (you can also right click the iPhone in iTunes and select 'Transfer Purchases'). If you have any songs you would like to keep, right click on the iPhone and select 'Back Up'. Now you can delete MultiTrack from the iPhone by touch holding the icon. Back in iTunes, sync again and it will get put back on the iPhone (you may have to place a checkmark next to MultiTrack in iTunes to enable it for syncing). You can restore your songs by right click and select 'Restore from Backup...'

You dont have to worry about loosing MultiTrack because you can always download it again from the App Store for free. The App Store will remember which applications you own. If you don't have songs that you want to keep, this is the easiest way.
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Re: Downloading tracks to computer

Post by general »

Can this be done using windows?
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Re: Downloading tracks to computer

Post by pwnified »

Yes, Windows is fine, but you might have to disable Windows Firewall or other blocking software that may be running on your computer.