Is it possible to back up and restore channel settings?

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Is it possible to back up and restore channel settings?

Post by Mark353 »

I can't find an answer to this anywhere on the forum so I'm asking here:

I have no problem importing tracks and arranging them into songs. Backing up an entire song folder onto my Mac is easy- no problems there.

What I cannot figure out how to do is to reload a song back into the iPad from the Mac, including all the channel settings- volume level, eq, effects sends, etc. Is there a way to do this?

Any answers would be much appreciated.
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Re: Is it possible to back up and restore channel settings?

Post by pwnified »

How are you backing up, iTunes File Sharing? By copying the song project folders out? If that's the case, the only way to copy a folder back into iTunes File Sharing, is to zip it and copy it back in. MultiTrack has support for unzipping the project zip.
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Re: Is it possible to back up and restore channel settings?

Post by Mark353 »

Hi. I'm backing up by opening iTunes, going to the Apps tab, scrolling down to DAW, and then copying the complete song folder from the iPad to the Mac.

I'll try what you suggest- thanks very much.