I love MultiTrack DAW but there are a few features that would be insanely helpful to me. I record vocals over beats and nothing more. Here are some features I would really like to see in the future:
Copy & paste EFX settings from one track to another (if there is one feature I could ask for this would be it. This or groups where can do all EFX processing on the group)
Undo record region moves playhead back to recording position
Tap tempo to set BPM of metronome (I do this for delay sync)
Independent track sends to delay and reverb
Re-arranging tracks
Move selected regions from one track to another without changing their position in time
I'm with ya Sarge. Many others here have made similar requests. We should be seeing an update soon, although the release of iOS 7.1 has made it difficult to get the release ready.
iPad Air, Akai EIE (the red one), Griffin Studioconnect, Alesis IO Dock, Blue Yeti mic.