CAF format for recording? - no duration limitations

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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CAF format for recording? - no duration limitations

Post by poetickinetics »

I've only just discovered that recordings in WAV format are limited to a maximum of 4gb in file size, approx 6.4 hours. I have the need to make longer recording than this, say 12 hours+. I've found out that CAF (Apple Core Audio Format) does not have a file size restriction, and is CD quality stereo. Can you advise if your app can record in CAF, or if it doesn't currently would this be something which you could implement in a future update of the app?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: CAF format for recording? - no duration limitations

Post by pwnified »

Yeah, wav format is used internally for multitrack regions. Even though the song length is 300 minutes, multitrack will use multiple wav files while recording, ie. when recording at 96 kHz 24 bit, you only get a couple hours out of a wav file. So it when a wav file runs out of space it will quickly start a new one while recording.