Copying tracks into new song

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Copying tracks into new song

Post by jseib2293 »

I have searched the forum so I apologize it the answer is here...but I think Im using the wrong search terms?

Im using this app to record live musicians, including me. So I create the number of tracks I need in the app, using a focusrite 18i20.

I stop recording at the end of individual live songs, add a little space and then resume recording for the next song. I don’t have time to make a new song rename it set up all the tracks etc. So at the end of the session I end up with one massive file that I want to split up into individual multitrack recordings.

What I want to do is to go back, select (regions?) for a specific song, copy them and paste into a newly created Song. But that doesn’t work, nor does selecting regions one at a time. It copies individual tracks as stereo, and won’t copy and paste multiple (like 6) regions... I think I used to do this but I can’t figure out how now.
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Re: Copying tracks into new song

Post by pwnified »

Hmm, this is actually a tough problem =)
I can't think of a good way to copy the tracks out without involving lot of churn... it's possible to use the loop markers to precisely outline the exact area to be copied, then copy by highlighting just the region of the track (and opening the hotbox within the loop markers, over the selected region), then paste into a new song, do the same for each track without moving the loop markers, and they will all line up. It would involve a lot of back and forth copy/pasting but at least it would only paste the audio clipped out and not the whole file.

There is a way to make a song 'template', create the song with all the tracks created and with each tracks inputs selected, but don't record anything. Close the song, and long-touch the song icon, then tap the zip button to archive the song. Now, whenever you need a new song, tap the zip and it will unarchive to an empty song shell. You only need to open it and arm all the tracks.

The next version of multitrack will have a few features to help with this. Songs will retain the tracks 'armed' state, so when opening the shell song (and the shell was saved with all the tracks armed), everything will be ready to go, you only need to hit the record and play buttons. I think this is the best way of solving this, to just keep each song separate from the beginning.

The other new feature will be a mixdown that renders each track separately (stems) with or without normalization, all within app. So you could use the loop markers to highlight each 'song' within the 'mega song', and then use the 'export loop only' along with 'separate tracks' and it will mixdown each track into a folder. You could then use multitasking to drag them all at once into a new song (this part is available now, on newer iPads). The stem rendering will be available within the next couple weeks I hope.
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Re: Copying tracks into new song

Post by jseib2293 »

i like the idea of create a "master" song and tapping, arming and recording. thats a pretty good work around. Yes, if it was saved as "pre- armed" that would help me, but honestly, i think my application is unique, probably not many other users that would find that necessary.

As always, thanks for the thoughtful reply.