select a specific interval and deleting it

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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select a specific interval and deleting it

Post by PapaSam »


I am working on something for a video and have to cut a lot of times some stuff out. For that i have to put two cuts around the specific interval, delete it and rejoin the now to sections together. Do you klnow what I mean? Because I don't quite know all the specific daw-related key-words for that in english, lol
My question, if you understand my problem, is, if there is some kind of tool, where I can select an interval - much like the looper stuff - to delete this selected section and let the two regions merge automatically? (as of right now i am just moving the right region to the new end of the left region, because it is simple and I donÄ't know better)

Maybe this was already answered somewhere? I haven't found it.

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Re: select a specific interval and deleting it

Post by pwnified »

Well, the idea of a multitrack recorder is to edit the regions until it sounds right, then export a mixdown, which is the final merged version. You could make various sub-mixes though as separate songs. I do this with drums, record all the drums in a song by itself, get it mixed right, then export to a single mixdown, and copy/paste it onto a new track in a new song.

You can use 'Slice' from the hotbox to trim out parts of regions and 'Edit' to slide regions down and get it all looking good. Then, when it's ready, use the Export feature from the menu to create a mixdown. This is the typical workflow.
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Re: select a specific interval and deleting it

Post by PapaSam »

I got it. Thank you.