Display EQ Frequencies & Drum Sequencer Suggestion

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Joined: January 21st, 10:52 am

Display EQ Frequencies & Drum Sequencer Suggestion

Post by Recorder »

I've just been watching some videos of Multi Track DAW and have to say it looks fantastic!

I was wondering if a future version of Multi Track DAW could display the EQ and Compressor frequencies aswell as allow the user to enter exact frequencies? I sometimes find it easier to enter an exact frequency rather than turn a dial.

It would also be great if there was a Drum Sequencer that could transmit on Midi Channel 10. Playing drums on a Synth keyboard while recording can sometimes be tricky as it's easy to get all 'fingers and thumbs' while playing :D

A built in GM drum kit would be usefull aswell, if only to keep time while recording other tracks.