Unable to upload small wav over WiFi

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Unable to upload small wav over WiFi

Post by thedirtysunshine »

So basically I love this thing the only issue I'm having is with a few small wav files that wont load over the WiFi connection.

I've searched here for a work around but have been unable to find one.

These are the steps I'm taking:
1. Connect via WiFi and enter into a browser the IP address of my iPad2 (iOS 5.1)
2. Select the song I'd like to add a bin to on my browser (Chrome)
3. Select the Choose File button on the browser
4. Select the wav I'd like to upload (wav plays in VLC, sizes are 5.7 and 13.7 MB)
5. Select the Submit button
6. Then the Transferring window appears on the iPad2
7. Upon Transfer completion the browser refreshes itself and the files have not been uploaded.
8. Inspecting the Song in the Bin Browser confirms the wav files have not been uploaded.

I'm stumped so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Unable to upload small wav over WiFi

Post by MoltenBlob »

Are the Wav's 44.1kHz? I don't think they will import if different.
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Re: Unable to upload small wav over WiFi

Post by pwnified »

Many different formats of wav files have been tested and working, various samplerates shouldn't be a problem as they are samplerate converted upon upload. However there might be some types of wavs that aren't compatible. If you don't mind, could you send be one of the wav files that you're having problems with, by email?