Tascam iu2 iPad/iPhone mic input issues

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Tascam iu2 iPad/iPhone mic input issues

Post by Tabbycat »

After talking with a Tascam tech today, I found out what the problem was with the recurrent error message.

Here is the correct procedure for connecting the iu2 to your iPad.

1) Start with the iu2 UNPLUGGED from the wall socket (or other USB power source).

2) Plug in your mic(s).

3) Connect iu2 to iPad using short (too short!) multi-pin connector cord.

4) IF -- and ONLY IF -- you are using a phantom-powered mic -- connect the mini-USB power cord to the wall socket or other power source. The iu2 ONLY needs this power source when using phantom power.


My new problem: every new (mono) mic track I try to add in DAW comes up as a STEREO track -- with the mic in the L channel only. Why? I managed to get one normal mono mic track down before this anomaly reared itself. How do I fix this?
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Re: Tascam iu2 iPad/iPhone mic input issues

Post by Anorton »

Tap where it says "stereo". You should then get a popup on which you can select "mono".
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Re: Tascam iu2 iPad/iPhone mic input issues

Post by Urban »

Anorton wrote:Tap where it says "stereo". You should then get a popup on which you can select "mono".
I have the same Problem, but i can't find a Place where it says "Stereo" to tap on.
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Re: Tascam iu2 iPad/iPhone mic input issues

Post by pwnified »

First check the IN meter (lower left corner). It should display 2 columns of lights (left and right). With 2 columns of lights, this means a stereo input is detected and working. Now when you arm a track using the popup ARM button, there is a small control which can be touch-dragged up and down. However, once a track is already stereo, you cannot change it to mono and vis versa. So on an empty track with a stereo input, you should be able to scroll through the available inputs.