How to cut or delete blurbs

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How to cut or delete blurbs

Post by soloantiquar »

Working with an recorded interview, how can I cut or delete unnessesarry words, blurbs, parts? Thks Helmer aka Soloantiquar
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Re: How to cut or delete blurbs

Post by pwnified »

The easiest way is probably to "Slice" at a point just after the blurb, and then move the right region to the left, so that it overlaps over the blurb. To do all this, you need to use the Hotbox. To use the Hotbox, touch-hold for more than a second, and the Hotbox menu will popup, then while still holding, slide your finger to a button. You can then slice a region (at the point where the hotbox opened, or if the timebar is close, it will be sliced exactly at the timebar). Select "Edit" to move regions and trim the start and end points.