Is it possible to import Ogg from email or SoundCloud

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Is it possible to import Ogg from email or SoundCloud

Post by dominicperry »

I want to import some .ogg tracks sent to me via either email or SoundCloud. Is either possible on the iPhone without using a computer?

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Re: Is it possible to import Ogg from email or SoundCloud

Post by pwnified »

Unfortunately no, but the next release 2.0.8 has AAC encoding, and has been submitted last week. It should be on the app store any moment. It wont let you import ogg, but that is definitely on the todo list.
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Re: Is it possible to import Ogg from email or SoundCloud

Post by pwnified »

BTW: I was talking about Wi-Fi import. For email import, I think MultiTrack must register the file extension and then iOS will open multiTrack when a user taps on the email attachment. The problem is multiple apps registering the same extensions. I think if multitrack opens when the user taps on the ogg filetype, multiTrack should present a preview box for listening to the file, with a button for copying the file to the pasteboard.
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Re: Is it possible to import Ogg from email or SoundCloud

Post by dominicperry »

Thanks for your reply. I realise there are limitations placed on all of this stuff by the OS. Is it possible to import a wav file from email ? Maybe I should try it!

The way I see this, the whole point of using an iPhone with or without an external interface, is as a replacement for a computer. Any operation which involves a computer negates the value of the 'travelling studio' approach. So, one way or another, I'm guessing I, personally, am after a whole bunch of things which are normally done on a bigger platform. And doing them as well as possible. I know, from frequenting digital photography forums, that there is always a desire for 'DSLR' quality from an easily pocketable compact. And I understand the impossibility of that request. But the desire is there, and that is why MultiTrack and the iAudioInterface is such an appealing prospect. So, from my perspective, trying to achieve whatever is possible without a computer, just with the iPhone, is my goal. Others (including you, as the developer) may take a different view, which I understand.
