Most lightweight way to connect Mic plus monitoring earphones?

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Most lightweight way to connect Mic plus monitoring earphones?

Post by jaycou »

i am using an Iphone 12 (lightning only connector) and would like to be able to record using a microphone while hearing the backing track.

what is the most easy lightweight way? i would like to have a somewhat decent mic.

i was thinking of this example:

XLR to lighnignt adapter with earphone output.

not sure if it will work.

On older iphones i could have gotten away cheap with a XLR to 3,5 cinch adapter and a lighning earphone (but i think DAW currently does not support this?)

do you guys have suggestions?
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Re: Most lightweight way to connect Mic plus monitoring earphones?

Post by pwnified »

Well, the analog headset input on most iPhones supports 1 input and 2 outputs, adapters have a stereo headphone output and mic/xlr input along with the conversion electronics to feed that finicky input. However I wouldn't recommend it, the headset input is notoriously noisy and has bleed when trying to monitor and record at the same time. Much better is any of the usb interfaces (with lightning to usb adapter) or MFi adapters (like the one you linked to). That looks like a nicely made product and even supports monitoring (headphones connect directly, all audio is sent down the usb wire)

Any product that works with iPhone will work with MultiTrack.

There are some listed here:
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Re: Most lightweight way to connect Mic plus monitoring earphones?

Post by Reslo »

I think Apogee HypeMic is really good sounding and versatile for what you are talking about. the headphone out on the mic seems to work great.

I’m 70 and just getting started with ios-based multitracking. Trying to keep it simple. Finally figured out Audiobus w/1: Audioshare, 2/Compressor or Limiter, 3/MULTITRACK. I

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