Ticks and pops at slices..

How to use MultiTrack DAW
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Ticks and pops at slices..

Post by Gigaah »

I can slice audio and things sound fine. However if I make any sort of adjustment after that..such as "moving" where its sliced by dragging it etc. I get an artifact if I'm lucky and just did it..I can undo it..otherwise I'll have to move that slice o a no volume spot and try again or muck around with the slice position at a really really fine level in hopes of making it inaudible. Is there a way around this and/or is this a known issue?
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Re: Ticks and pops at slices..

Post by pwnified »

That sounds like a bug. Does it help to add a short 'fade in/out' to the region? I think what might have changed is the duration of the automatic fade in/out when slicing or boolean operations (overlapping a region and submitting the edit). The minimum fade length is definitely shorter now than it used to be.