Copying MultiTrack songs to Reaper

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Copying MultiTrack songs to Reaper

Post by jamsden »

I wrote a small Ruby program this week to copy MultiTrack songs from the iPhone to Reaper projects. The program connects to MultiTrack through the Wifi interface. It gets the songs and their tracks, and creates a Reaper project for each song, downloading and adding the tracks into an audio folder in the Reaper project. After running the program, one can double click on the Reaper project to open it and do further mixing and mastering.

I'd like to make this program available for others to use, but need to do a few more things to make it ready. A few questions

1. The downloads seem very slow. Is this typical, or could it be something Ruby is doing?

2. Any chance of getting some additional song and track info in the HTML pages? I would be nice to get the time signature and tempo for the song, and the mute/solo, balance and level settings for the track.

3. Or better yet, how about a URL to get the song and track data in some more information sharing friendly form, perhaps one of the common DAW project interchange formats?
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Re: Copying MultiTrack songs to Reaper

Post by pwnified »

I'm just experimenting with this actually. So far I have a song backup link which packages up all the song files including project and tracks into a zip file, and an upload button which accepts a zip in the same format and unpackages it back into the song menu. Unfortunately the temporary zip file takes a whole bunch of filespace, I'm thinking of making an on-the-fly streaming zip builder. The track parameters are stored in a plist file which is easily parsable. Automation data is in binary files but I'll disclose the format no problem, once it's done :)

It would be great to have convertors between MultiTrack format and other daw formats, I haven't looked into any open daw formats but if you recommend one I'll check it out.

When I download tracks with 3rd gen ipod, with a direct connection through wifi it typically gives 1.5MB/sec. On a 2nd Gen iPhone, through a router with all links wifi, it's around 200KB/sec.
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Re: Copying MultiTrack songs to Reaper

Post by fgrittner »

Even a Download All Files command would be helpful.
