USB out from Mac?

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USB out from Mac?

Post by soundog »

I use a MOTU Ultralite mk3 with my Macbook as an audio interface, which gives me 8 inputs. Works great.

Any software DAW can readily access it via Core Audio, and tap into the 8 audio inputs.

Is it possible that code could be created so that MultiTrack, running on an iPhone/iPad/iPod, could be connected to a MacBook via USB (and Camera Kit) to obtain 8 tracks of audio from any interface connected to the MacBook?
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Re: USB out from Mac?

Post by pwnified »

Plugging the Camera connector kit to the iPad puts it into USB host mode so it's not possible to connect it to another host. However have to tried attaching the motu directly to the iPad? Not sure about the class compliancy of motu.
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Re: USB out from Mac?

Post by soundog »

OK, thanks. Can't try direct connect, as my mk3 is the Firewire-only version, not the hybrid Firewire/USB. I would love to hear if someone has had success using an Ultralite Hybrid multitracking into MultiTrack ... I would consider upgrading mine if it works OK.