MultiTrack DAW 3.4

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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by pwnified »

fgplayerx wrote: What does this mean exactly?
64-bit support - with Neon optimizations and high resolution audio processing.
The newest Apple devices are 64 bit as opposed to 32 bit. All this really means for most apps, is that they need to be recompiled, and may benefit from increased precision for certain calculations. Unless audio apps specifically take advantage of 64 bit calculations, there is no benefit. MultiTrack uses 64 bit calculations when using 24 bit song formats, so there is a small benefit of increased speed.

But Neon optimizations is where these devices really shine. 'Neon' is the buzzword for SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data), where instead of dealing with a single value, say an audio sample, it can handle parallel streams of 4, 8, 16, or more. Thereby increasing the speed of a factor of 4 at the very least. It's more difficult to program for, and the new 64 bit devices have a whole new instruction set for accessing them. But it's worth it, because it uses so much less processor. This essentially means more tracks rendered before resorting to the cache (auto freeze track).
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by Strata189 »

@pwnified Thanks for the explanation, and for all the hard work that went into this upgrade. I have 2 other iOS DAWs, and 90% of the time! I use Multitrack DAW.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by anfirmor »

Any news on the iPhone problem?

If it's been this long it must be serious.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by pwnified »

It wasn't a big deal, just a really dumb mistake. The iPhone 4 silently fails with inter-app audio, so I had code that checks for iPhone 4 and disables IAA. The code that does the checking had a bug, and it ended up turning off IAA for all iPhones, not just the 4.

There are also some other bug fixes in the update. The 'Host Callbacks' for IAA was a little wonky, that's been fixed so now there is perfect synchronization for effects and generator apps. Also a problem when plugging/unplugging USB devices with different numbers of inputs, would cause a crash sometimes.

The update was submitted to Apple last week, and it's been in review since Friday. Hopefully tomorrow (Monday) they'll be done.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by anfirmor »

Can't wait. Thanks for your efforts. Was starting to think I was going to have to buy an ipad.
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Re: MultiTrack DAW 3.4

Post by fasteddie »

Having a repetitive bug on the iPhone 4S where the play button will not function after "a flick of the curser left" or "a quick start/stop on the play button". (I suspect the latter, but could be a combo too I guess). I move the cursor frequently without issue but, once in a while this lock-up occurs. The only solution I've found is to close and reopen the song.

Thank you for this incredible app!