The newest Apple devices are 64 bit as opposed to 32 bit. All this really means for most apps, is that they need to be recompiled, and may benefit from increased precision for certain calculations. Unless audio apps specifically take advantage of 64 bit calculations, there is no benefit. MultiTrack uses 64 bit calculations when using 24 bit song formats, so there is a small benefit of increased speed.fgplayerx wrote: What does this mean exactly?
64-bit support - with Neon optimizations and high resolution audio processing.
But Neon optimizations is where these devices really shine. 'Neon' is the buzzword for SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data), where instead of dealing with a single value, say an audio sample, it can handle parallel streams of 4, 8, 16, or more. Thereby increasing the speed of a factor of 4 at the very least. It's more difficult to program for, and the new 64 bit devices have a whole new instruction set for accessing them. But it's worth it, because it uses so much less processor. This essentially means more tracks rendered before resorting to the cache (auto freeze track).